Volume 3 Issue 13

Volume 3 Issue 13

DuraNews: The Duralum Newsletter

Volume 3 Issue 13

How To Maintain Your Patio Cover In Arizona

In Arizona, patio covers serve as essential oases of shade and comfort. These structures extend our living spaces and provide a sanctuary from the intense southwestern sun, allowing us to enjoy the outdoors year-round. The state’s sunshine, occasional dust storms, and dramatic temperature fluctuations make it unique. However, these elements can take a toll on even the most robust patio covers. 

Whether you’ve invested in a state-of-the-art insulated cover or a classic wooden pergola, proper maintenance ensures your outdoor retreat remains a source of joy and relaxation for years. We at Duralum offer various Patio Cover options, including Aluminum Patio Covers, Lattice Patio Covers, and more. Regardless of the patio cover product you choose for your property, you must maintain them well if you want them to look great and last long. 

Tips To Maintain Your Phoenix Lattice Patio Covers

  1. Regular Cleaning

The foundation of patio cover maintenance in Arizona is regular cleaning. Dust, pollen, and debris can accumulate quickly, especially during the windy seasons. Aim to clean your patio cover at least once a month, more frequently during dusty periods or following storms, and:

For aluminum Patio Covers, use a soft-bristled brush or a leaf blower to remove loose debris. Follow up with a gentle cleaning solution of mild soap and water, rinsing thoroughly.

For wooden structures, you can sweep or blow away debris, then clean with a wood-appropriate cleaner. Be sure to rinse well and allow it to dry completely.

  1. Inspect for Damage

Arizona’s intense sun and occasional severe weather can cause wear and tear. Conduct a thorough inspection every few months and:

  • Check for loose fasteners, screws, or bolts
  • Look for signs of rust on metal components
  • Examine wooden structures for splinters, cracks, or warping
  • Ensure all seals and weatherstripping are intact
  1. UV Protection

The Arizona sun can be particularly harsh on outdoor structures. These treatments not only protect against sun damage but can also enhance the appearance of your Californian Solid Patio Covers:

  • For wooden covers, you can apply a UV-resistant sealant or stain annually
  • For metal/vinyl, you should consider a UV-protective coating designed for outdoor use
  1. Manage Water Drainage

While rain may be infrequent in Arizona, Proper drainage prevents water damage and extends the life of your patio cover. When it happens:

  • Ensure gutters and downspouts are clear of debris
  • Check that the cover is angled correctly to allow water runoff
  • Look for any areas where water might pool and address the issue
  1. Address Pest Issues

Arizona’s warm climate can attract pests to your patio cover. Consult a local pest control expert for eco-friendly options for your specific patio cover material. Regular maintenance should include:

  • Inspecting for signs of insect infestation, particularly in wooden structures
  • Removing any bird nests or animal dwellings
  • Applying appropriate pest treatments as needed
  1. Seasonal Adjustments

As Arizona transitions through its seasons, your patio cover may need adjustments. These seasonal check-ups help maintain the integrity of your patio cover year-round:

  • Before summer, tighten all connections to prepare for potential monsoon winds
  • After summer, you should check for any sun damage and address accordingly
  • In winter, ensure the structure can handle any potential frost or rare snowfall
  1. Lubricate Moving Parts

If your patio cover has any moving parts, such as retractable features or adjustable louvers, regular lubrication is essential:

  • Use a silicone-based lubricant on tracks and hinges
  • Apply lubricant every 3-4 months or more frequently if you notice any sticking or squeaking

This maintenance step ensures smooth operation and prevents wear on mechanical components.

  1. Touch Up Paint or Finish

The intense Arizona sun can fade or chip paint and finishes over time. Maintaining the finish keeps your patio cover looking great and provides an additional layer of protection against the elements, so you should:

  • Inspect your patio cover annually for any areas needing touch-ups
  • Use paint or finish that matches the original and is suitable for outdoor use
  • For wooden structures, consider re-staining every 2-3 years for optimal protection
  1. Professional Inspection

While regular DIY maintenance is crucial, consider scheduling a professional inspection every 2-3 years. This investment can save you money in the long run by preventing significant repairs or premature replacement because:

  • A professional can spot potential issues you might miss
  • They can provide deep cleaning services for hard-to-reach areas
  • Expert advice on upgrades or repairs can extend the life of your patio cover

Preventive Care Is Crucial For Patio Covers 

Remember, in outdoor living spaces, a little preventive care goes a long way in preserving your slice of Arizona paradise. Invest in high-quality patio covers from Duralum to get a good Return on investment.

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