New Dealer Application

Thank you for your interest in opening an account with Duralum Products, Inc.
We have a simple, automated two step process.

The 1st step in the application process is to get information about you and your company. Please provide the requested items of information below and click SUBMIT.

In the second step we will check your Contractors License and send an actual account application via DOCUSIGN to the emails listed below, usually the same day.  Be sure to check your SPAM folder if not received timely.

When you receive the DOCUSIGN Application, complete all required fields and BE SURE TO CLICK “FINISH” to submit the application.  A follow up confirmation with your account number will follow within 48 hours.

Send any questions to

Thank you,
Bill Anson

    Full Company Name as it appears on your license

    Company Phone Number

    Contractors license number



    First and Last Names of each owner of the business (List all owners)

    Email addresses of each owner of the business

    Are you currently in the Aluminum Patio Business?

    [group purchase-volume]

    Last year's purchases volume from current supplier?


    Once we receive the information above, an application will be sent to you via Docusign. Only signatures from the owners associated with the license as listed on the contractor’s license board are accepted on the application and other forms.

    *All Personnel currently associated with contractor’s license will need to sign the forms, company policy.

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